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Last update 06.01.07.

Вас приветствует питомник СТАРЛАЙЗ ХОУП. Ведущая порода питомника - ризеншнауцер. Кроме того, мы занимаемся разведением цвергшнауцеров и скотч-терьеров и нас интересуют КРАСИВЫЕ собаки других пород. Приглашаем всех к сотрудничеству!

Владелец питомника Елена Ибрагимова и ее единомышленники.

WELCOME to the Web Site of 'STARLAIZ HOUP'!

'STARLAIZ HOUP' is the name of our dog-breeding nursery, the principal breed of which is Giant schnauzer. Besides, we are engaged in breeding such dogs as Mini-schnauzers and Scotch-terriers. We are also very interested in graceful and handsome dogs of any other breeds. We are happy to cooperate with all those interested and who stay either in Russia, or in other countries all over the world. We wish everybody good luck in breeding and nursing their puppies ! STARLAIZ HOUP's Guests are always WELCOME !

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